This semi-fictional short film follows the protagonist to Prague and explores how the medium of film can access the memories of a city. The film is based on the family history of the director, who fled Czechoslovakia after the Warsaw Pact invasion of 1968.
The personal stories lived by the Uncle, the Father and the Son, respectively, form a tragic experie...
A filmmaker’s meditation on loss and grief. A digital eulogy and swan song to his creative partner a...
Grandma Kham, an 87 year-old-woman, lives lone and is still strong enough to burn charcoal and weed ...
On a sleepy summer night in 2004, eyes peer into the world-wide-web: traveling between conspiracy si...
In the town of Xoco, the spirit of an old villager awakens in search of its lost home. Along its jou...
Kuyashii Gonzo: Blood Visions and Chaos Magic is a Gonzo documentary about trying to make a no-budge...
A quirky deep dive into the mind of a confused young man struggling to balance personal ambitions an...
The late Fujio Akatsuka is revered by many Japanese artists and scholars for his developments to ear...
Art is a freedom for those who make it and for those who look at it. A freedom that ends when the vi...
A Real Hero is an experimental documentary about the life and humanitarian work of His Highness Shei...
An experimental documentary that explores Saudi Arabia's relationship with the U.S. and the role thi...
Young people who decide to leave their home to seek opportunities for the future face different diff...
On July 6, 2024, The Sun-Ray Cinema at 5 Points in Jacksonville, Florida screened its final film.
A meditation on childhood, loss, and the desire to recreate one’s innocence; the recalling of memori...
Mike is a young student of cinema, who receive the task to make a Videodiary for his fiction product...