Based upon a habitual fidget of the filmmaker involving the tags in his clothing, Reilly Mitchell ex...
Grandma Kham, an 87 year-old-woman, lives lone and is still strong enough to burn charcoal and weed ...
A short documentary film that delves into the life of Eleggua Luna, a karmairi-mokana-motilona Afro-...
A monster that lives in the darkest part of the sea, a dreamlike representation of the journey towar...
A filmmaker’s meditation on loss and grief. A digital eulogy and swan song to his creative partner a...
The Way of Saint James, northern Spain, 2016. Two brothers, Oliver, the eldest, and Juan Luis, the y...
At the age of 17, she had the opportunity to appear on television, but she didn't, due to her insecu...
Luzía visits the eight stages of the 'pilgrimage' that the intellectuals Otero Pedrayo, Vicente Risc...
Nathan was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Now he's better, before he was much worse. He film...
The personal stories lived by the Uncle, the Father and the Son, respectively, form a tragic experie...
With great expressive freedom, Diana Toucedo transports us to a seaside village in Galicia. We are i...
When Werner Herzog was still a child, his father was beaten to death before his eyes. His mother was...
This documentary explores the mystery surrounding the death of movie icon Marilyn Monroe through pre...
After a premonition of an unusual bird, a father loses his voice. His daughter undertakes a search t...
Esperanza and Teodula are calling for justice in rural Peru, part of 300,000 people sterilised witho...
A real-time portrait of 2020 unfolds as an Asian-American family in Trump’s rural America fights to ...
Ale left her mother's house at the age of 12 because she felt she did not belong then, now at the ag...
Set in the sparsely populated lobster fishing villages of southern Nova Scotia, Plains is a cinema v...