A cinematic and conceptually inventive film that explores the haunting memories of Asia’s late 20th-century modernization through the large-scale export of wigs during the Cold War. Yet, in every wig resides a ghost from the imperial past.
A woman attends a party where she is observed by and finally meets a mysterious guest.
This short film follows an intoxicated character's journey through the mystery, beauty and eeriness ...
For her entire professional life, renowned ecologist Nalini Nadkarni pioneered climbing techniques t...
A field full of sheep is observed through the camera, preserving that moment in time forever.
"If it Won’t Hold Water, it Surely Won’t Hold a Goat" is an intimate meditation on the subversive na...
Why is it we never actually see a ghost in the dozens of documentaries out there, yet people claim t...
Based upon a habitual fidget of the filmmaker involving the tags in his clothing, Reilly Mitchell ex...
Two screens of a graveyard, one during the day and one at night. The duality of everything that exis...
the franklinia flower, now extinct in the wild, appears here as a printed image (a drawing from 1782...
A feature length documentary shot in Iceland on mediums and the relationship between humans and invi...
Presented without commentary, this film reveals the thinking behind the work of John Baldessari over...
With depth, intimacy, and humor, FLOAT! captures filmmaker Azza Cohen's magnetic grandma’s life-affi...
The life, death, and resurrection of Elvis Presley, as he is transformed from man into product. Comp...
A filmmaker plays with diary-docu and fiction as his camera joins his ventures into a phone dating c...
A vision from Limbo, where the canoeist of the eternal lake floats in his boat, between sleep and wa...
In what could be considered a follow up to Al Qasimi’s 2020 work Mother of Fire, she once again invo...
This work re-examines the relationship between the elements that make up the quality of space, namel...
This work is an attempt to overcome alienation amidst the fragmented construction reality of everyda...
Logistics or Logistics Art Project is an experimental art film. At 51,420 minutes (857 hours or 35 d...
This documentary explores and provides new insights into the life and writing of British author Robe...