The documentary begins when the fictionalized drama ends. Sara spent three years volunteering to save refugees on the same journey that made her so famous, and was suddenly arrested in Aug. 2018, accused by Greek authorities of running a criminal enterprise with charges including “international espionage and people smuggling.” If convicted, she faces up to 25 years in prison and the end of her humanitarian career. Shot over three years, the film follows Sara’s fight for justice and journey of self-discovery.
Oxana is a woman, a fighter, an artist. As a teenager, her passion for iconography almost inspires h...
Carla Haddad Mardini was born with bombs blasting at the worst period of the Lebanese Civil War. Sh...
A relentless chronicle of the tragedy of the Uighurs, an ethnic minority of some eleven million peop...
Behind his polite exterior lies a formidable leader with a ruthless character, ready to do anything ...
When an Arizona resident is charged with three felony counts and faces a 20-year prison sentence for...
Desperate, broken men chase their dreams and run from their demons in the North Dakota oil fields. A...
The documentary film "Mr. Dial Has Something to Say" investigates the problem of classism and racism...
A look back over nine years of the Syrian Civil War, an inextricable conflict, like a black box, due...
Scott Mills travels to Uganda where the death penalty could soon be introduced for being gay. The ga...
A film about one of the most iconic images of the 20th century, the moment when the radical spirit o...
We live in a world where the powerful deceive us. We know they lie. They know we know they lie. They...
In California’s Central Valley, tucked between the county jail and the shooting range, 100 Mexican-A...
The story of Russian writer and Soviet dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) and his masterpi...
Dynamic Wisdom is a housing collective that exists since 2017. It brings together 16 people from Nig...
Power Meri follows Papua New Guinea's first national women's rugby league team, the PNG Orchids, on ...
Footage from the first ever São Paulo LGBTQ Pride Parade, which took place on the 28th of June 1997 ...
In 2014, during a trip, American Tim Bruns discovered cliffs in a small village five minutes north o...
The powerful and inspiring true story of the controversial human rights campaigner whose provocative...
"I’m Just a Layman in Pursuit of Justice" chronicles the injustices of the U.S. Department of Agricu...
There are countless stories of Cubans reaching their dream destination of Florida as boat refugees. ...