A short anecdotal documentary about the nature of destruction, a debilitating deadlock of humanity.
Meeting with the director Quentin Dupieux, who agreed to open the doors of one of his sets on the se...
Featurette on the 2009 horror film Orphan.
This nature documentary follows some of the world’s most charismatic animals as they travel to Mexic...
On a Summer afternoon, Pedro packs the last few boxes before having to leave his apartment in New Yo...
Oxana is a woman, a fighter, an artist. As a teenager, her passion for iconography almost inspires h...
Reflects a depressing and hopeless reality by following some of the members of "la dieciocho", the s...
A film about the daily life of Martin, a handicapped child who will always be dependent on his paren...
“Olive” is a short documentary that follows Olive Hagemeier, an energetic woman, on her daily routin...
Comments from composers Richard and Robert Sherman.
In this fun and educational piece, animal experts talk about the real creatures that inspired the ch...
Silent archival footage of Jewish children during the Holocaust, accompanied by music and poetic nar...
An in depth look at the undersea life of dolphins
In 1976 a book was published titled "The Creature" that swept over Bigfoot enthusiasts and researche...
An educational film about the life cycles of various types of pond life.
An examination of the extinction threat faced by frogs, which have hopped on Earth for some 250 mill...
From the scorching sand dunes of Namibia, to the tropical Tasmanian rainforest, to the bitter waters...
People from different ethnic backgrounds with "difficult" names by Western standards share their exp...
Professional snowboarder and mountaineer Jeremy Jones has an intimate relationship with the outdoors...