The populace of a South Korean island rebels against police brutality. The protesters are labeled as...
In the turmoil of the Jeju 4.3 incident, Jeju Island witnessed the loss of an estimated 25,000 to 30...
If you look into the entrance of one of the huge caves on the Korean island of Jeju, it looks like a...
Wan-soon, a 9-year-old girl living on the island, managed to survive a massacre that took place 75 y...
The oral writer of the April 3 Uprising and a Rwandan who came to Korea to study face each other, ha...
Focusing on Mrs. Kang Sang-hee’s life, she lost her husband in the Jeju Uprising (March 3rd, 1948). ...
Confronting half of her mother’s life—her mother who had survived the Jeju April 3 Incident—the dire...
There are five grandmothers, four of whom went to Jeonju Prison due to the Jeju 4.3. All of them wer...
According to a survey by the U.S. military government in 1946, 78% of the South Korean people wanted...
Immediately after liberation, an incident called 'Jeju Uprising' took place on Jeju Island, the Hawa...
A mixed martial arts fighter evokes an ominous spirit when struggling to cut twelve pounds the night...
A French girl has just moved to a country called Dutchgaria, but she is struggling with the strange ...
The story of Sam, a young girl, who is tasked with helping her mother Denise divorce her deadbeat mu...
Huachindango is the small capital of a small Central American country. In this city, women must ente...
During the times of Venezuelan dictator Juan Vicente Gómez, an exhausted stranger arrives at a farm ...
Suffocated by debt, JJ, a young white trash woman from the United States, escapes from Los Angeles t...
Fed up with the bullying from their classmates, Jorge and Emilio plan a shooting at their school.