The populace of a South Korean island rebels against police brutality. The protesters are labeled as...
In the turmoil of the Jeju 4.3 incident, Jeju Island witnessed the loss of an estimated 25,000 to 30...
If you look into the entrance of one of the huge caves on the Korean island of Jeju, it looks like a...
According to a survey by the U.S. military government in 1946, 78% of the South Korean people wanted...
The oral writer of the April 3 Uprising and a Rwandan who came to Korea to study face each other, ha...
There are five grandmothers, four of whom went to Jeonju Prison due to the Jeju 4.3. All of them wer...
Wan-soon, a 9-year-old girl living on the island, managed to survive a massacre that took place 75 y...
Focusing on Mrs. Kang Sang-hee’s life, she lost her husband in the Jeju Uprising (March 3rd, 1948). ...
Confronting half of her mother’s life—her mother who had survived the Jeju April 3 Incident—the dire...
Immediately after liberation, an incident called 'Jeju Uprising' took place on Jeju Island, the Hawa...
The film captures the daily duality of three young Palestinian women in Tel Aviv, caught between hom...
Two Israeli sisters delve into the dark mystery of their father’s former life in Poland during World...
Two illegal Burmese migrants fleeing their country’s civil war find love with each other while strug...
Santa, a peasant woman loyal to the Revolution, is sent to guard Andrés, a gay writer who is under h...
After discovering a sacred stone in the mouth of a deer he just killed, Taibei, a young lonesome Tib...
Mika, heiress to a Swiss chocolate company, is married to celebrated pianist André and stepmother to...
An accident during a bar mitzvah celebration leads to a gendered rift in a devout Orthodox community...
Willington's only love, Mariana, is about to get married to René, Willington's cousin. While Willing...