Loving is an American television soap opera that ran on ABC from June 26, 1983, to November 10, 1995, a total of 3,169 episodes. The serial, set in the fictional town of Corinth, Pennsylvania, was co-created by Agnes Nixon and former actor Douglas Marland. The show was broadcast in France under the title Amoureusement Votre and in Italy as Quando si ama.
This is the story of a woman who fell in love and was betrayed. Her beloved was successful at the ex...
The residents of Coronation Street are ordinary, working-class people, and the show follows them thr...
The rivalries, romances, hopes and fears of the residents of the fictional Midwestern metropolis, Ge...
The Horton and Brady broods endure the romantic trials of life in Salem, a Midwestern hamlet filled ...
Filled with noble characters and locations, “Na Corda Bamba” strives for constant surprise and addre...
Meu Amor is a Portuguese telenovela which aired from October 19, 2009 to October 23, 2010 on TVI. Th...
Continuing drama combining romance and intrigue set against the glittering backdrop of Beverly Hills...
Swans Crossing is an American teen drama series that aired for thirteen weeks in syndication from Ju...
Marienhof is a German soap opera, first shown on October 1, 1992 on German TV channel, Das Erste. It...
A village in the interior of Portugal is preparing the best village festival ever, in the year that ...