The Joe Schmo Show is a reality television hoax show created by Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese. The series is broadcast in the U.S. on the cable network Spike. The show's premise is that a target person or persons are led to believe that they are contestants on a reality television show; in reality, all of the other participants in the purported show – including the host – are actors, and their actions and the outcome of the purported show are all scripted in an attempt to elicit comedic reactions from the targets. The show's first season, The Joe Schmo Show, aired in 2003, and its second season, Joe Schmo 2, aired in 2004. The first season's hoax was conducted as a typical reality competition show while the second hoax was a Bachelor-like dating series. On December 10, 2012, Spike announced it was bringing The Joe Schmo Show back for a third season, which premiered on January 8, 2013. The only constant presence in all three Joe Schmo seasons has been voice actor Ralph Garman, who has served as the "emcee" for all three editions.
Invasion Iowa is a television series that aired on Spike TV beginning on March 29, 2005, on ITV4 beg...
Space Cadets is a British television program made by Zeppotron for Channel 4. Presented by Johnny Va...
Bedsitcom is a British reality television hoax series that was broadcast on Channel 4 in December 20...
Each episode analyzes and passes verdicts on several seemingly impossible things “caught on film,” i...
$25 Million Dollar Hoax is an unscripted television series that was originally shown on American net...
Reality meets romance, with a little twist, in the surprising dating show I WANNA MARRY “HARRY.” Sum...
Casey and Jac are the creators of a new website called Haunted or Hoax. Together, they visit some of...
From small towns in the South to remote areas of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, four eccentric bu...
This docuseries follows the investigation into a hoax caller who talked managers into strip-searchin...
History's Greatest Hoaxes looks at some of the most spectacular hoaxes that show that you can fool s...
Caught in the Action is a reality television series centering on friends setting up their unsuspecti...
The John Larroquette Show is an American television sitcom .The show was a vehicle for John Larroque...
After moving to Boston from Virginia, to spy on his sister who just started college, Boyd finds hims...
A parody of "Baywatch" featuring Malibu Adjacent's Notch Johnson, the world's greatest lifeguard (ha...
Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) is a British private detective television series. In the initial epis...
A comedy that started in 1991 as a pilot, Murder Most Horrid stars Dawn French as various characters...
The exploits of the Grim Reaper, who has been forced into being the best friend of two children. A s...
It's a gorgeous, spacious mansion, and four handsome, fifteen-year-old friends are allowed to live i...
Irreverent comedy drama which follows the messy lives, loves, delirious highs and inevitable lows of...
Sarah Silverman plays a character named Sarah Silverman, whose absurd daily life unfolds in scripted...