Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous is an American television series that aired in syndication from 1984 to 1995. The show featured the extravagant lifestyles of wealthy entertainers, athletes and business moguls. It was hosted by Robin Leach for the majority of its run. When Leach was joined by Shari Belafonte in 1994, the show was renamed Lifestyles with Robin Leach and Shari Belafonte. Leach ended each episode with a wish for his viewers that became his signature phrase, "champagne wishes and caviar dreams."
A Style for You is a beauty and fashion program where MCs actively give advice and tips on makeup, f...
Daryl Hall certainly has a passion for music, having produced hit after hit as the co-founder and le...
Celebrities share real-life anecdotes as their stories are re-enacted by actors.
The sun revolves around the earth - for more than 1500 years, this world view of the Greek astronome...
The 20th century was a golden age that changed the course of the world rapidly, irreversibly and dra...
Karl Lagerfeld was an enigmatic figure who spent his life reinventing himself. He ruled the fashion ...
Love, conflict, family - nobody's done it better. Acting legends reflect on the greatest writer who ...
"Being Michael Schumacher" is a documentary series about the life of Michael Schumacher on ARD Media...
OnStyle's I Live Alone is a reality program that shows the independent life challenge for Seohyun wh...
Exploring the real George Lopez we rarely get to see, pushed and pulled between the worlds of race, ...
Tou Tiao Dou Shi Ta is a story about Yin Shen, a member of the (in)famous idol boygroup FLY. What ma...
Fame. Money. Power. One young woman fights to become the next hottest celebrity in the glamorous yet...
This biographical miniseries, based on the best seller by C. David Heymann, starts when Jackie Kenne...
It's Hammertime in this A&E series that features a peek inside the life of Stanley Burrell, aka M.C....
Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the history of science and invention, Connections explores a...