Passions is an American television soap opera which aired on NBC from July 5, 1999 to September 7, 2007 and on The 101 Network from September 17, 2007 to August 7, 2008. Passions follows the lives and loves, and various romantic and paranormal adventures of the residents of Harmony. Story-lines center around the interactions among members of its multi-racial core families — the African American Russells, white Cranes and Bennetts, and half-Mexican half-Irish Lopez-Fitzgeralds — as well as the supernatural including town witch Tabitha Lenox. Created by writer James E. Reilly and produced by NBC Studios, the series was subsequently picked up by direct broadcast satellite service DirecTV, which broadcast new episodes airing on its exclusive channel The 101. In December 2007, DirecTV decided not to renew its contract for the series, and the studio was unable to sell the show elsewhere. The final episode aired on DirecTV on August 7, 2008.
The cold CEO of a construction company Qi Xun (Gao Han Yu) can teleport as long as he sees a picture...
"Mariana & Scarlett" centers on two sisters with dreams of fashion success. Their close bond is test...
Felicity Porter, a sensitive and intelligent girl from the San Francisco Bay Area, decides to give u...
Rather than take a more sensible approach to salvaging his grades in time for graduation, Alto summo...
Fabian Garrido is an ingenious mechanic whose ‘relaxed’ lifestyle changes overnight when he receives...
The story of the three female protagonists: the tsundere student, the sweet student, and the sassy s...
A woman with only a short time to live and a man with the supernatural power to bring the world to a...
“Replay” will be a relatable romance story about the dreams and love of 18-year-olds during the time...
As a flower girl, Su Xiao Wan never really imagined her simple life would ever be anything other tha...
After accidentally breaking a statue of the guardian god of the Asakusa district, middle school stud...
When a giant robot suddenly attacks the city, a high-school student named Aoba is saved by a classma...
Seven residents of a beachside community navigate issues of modern LGBTQ+ life including infidelity,...
Love Alarm is an app that tells you if someone within a 10-meter radius has a crush on you. It quick...
The awakening of an underwater volcano brings a forgotten ship back to the sea’s surface. Chou Yi-ba...
This isn't a normal coffee shop, it only appears when you need it most. Thana, an office worker, get...
It tells the story of Hua Man Tian, the son of a wealthy and powerful family, who finds himself in a...