Hot Shots was a short-lived Canadian television drama series, which aired on CBS in the United States in 1986, and CTV in Canada in 1987. The series, produced by CTV for the CBS Late Night block of crime drama series, starred Dorothy Parke and Booth Savage as Amanda Reed and Jake West, crime journalists for the tabloid magazine Crime World. The cast also included Paul Burke, Clark Johnson, Heather Smith and Mung Ling. Only twelve episodes of the show were produced. Its producers went on to create Diamonds the following year.
Working from his home in a converted windmill, Jonathan Creek is a magician with a natural ability f...
Urban Angel is a Canadian television drama series, which aired on CBC Television from 1991 to 1993. ...
Dunia Tanpa Koma tells the story of Raya, a young female journalist in a weekly news magazine called...
Wealthy couple Jonathan and Jennifer Hart, a self-made millionaire and his journalist wife, moonligh...
Deadline is a television series which was shown on NBC in the 2000–2001 season. It starred Oliver Pl...
Stop Susan Williams is an American horror television series that premiered on February 27, 1979 on N...
The six-part series follows journalist Hannis Martinsson (Ulrich Thomsen), who unexpectedly receives...
On a freezing December night in 1963, 13-year-old Alison Carter took her dog for a walk and was neve...
At a historic Istanbul hotel, a journalist is unexpectedly thrust into the past and must stop a plot...
Itsuki Shinonome is sent to the internet media department from a major newspaper. Chief Editor Kanji...
Lee Ji Su is a bold intern reporter who isn’t afraid to say what needs to be said, even during a job...
Passionate reporters working for a third-rate newspaper fight against corruption and inequality.
A star journalist moves to Alaska for a fresh start after a career-killing misstep, and finds redemp...
A series of reports chosen by "Dateline" correspondents that answers the question they most often ge...
A terrible child kidnapping incident takes place in a mansion complex, where only the top 1% of the ...
A major newspaper has informally decided to employ a female university student. However, shock rippl...
In a small town, a priest opens fire on his congregation, killing five parishioners. One year later,...
Twin brothers Woo-sin and Soo-hyun lose their father in a murder case. Twenty-two years later, the b...
Set in contemporary Montreal, “This Life” is a family saga focusing on Natalie Lawson, an accomplish...
A team of young journalists attempt to free itself from the constraints of established rules and tel...