Fame is a television series that ran on NBC in the summer of 2003. The show was essentially NBC's attempt to duplicate the success of mega-hit American Idol, right down to their selection of judges. Former pop star Carnie Wilson was similar in her judgements to American Idol's Paula Abdul, Johnny Wright, the veteran music producer, was the show's analogue of Randy Jackson, and JoJo Wright was, like Simon Cowell, the judge who says things to stir people up. The show retained the original Fame theme music, as well as producer Debbie Allen. Former boy band member Joey Fatone was the official host of the show, but Allen also made frequent appearances. The show was based on the Italian show Saranno Famosi, where young talented dancers, singers and actors attended a school to became real superstars. The main goal of the show was to make all the challengers able to dance, sing and act and so to be complete. It still airs in Italy.
Star Académie is the biggest musical phenomenon on television. During the week, the Quotidienne foll...
The Voice Generations bring the voices of Filipinos of all ages and generations together not just to...
It Takes Two is the Australian version of UK series Just the Two of Us, which ran for three seasons ...
On a colourful and festive stage, host Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge welcomes a wide range of beloved Qu...
A weekly talent competition where an array of performers – from singers and dancers, to comedians an...
Featuring the country's best a cappella groups performing popular songs like you've never heard them...
After mesmerizing an incredible 460 million viewers in over 150 countries worldwide for more than a ...
Nashville Star is an American reality television program. It was last produced and transmitted durin...
The Spanish language US version of The Voice, the purest competition of vocal talent never seen befo...
A first-of-its-kind global talent competition featuring acts from every genre imaginable, from every...
Participants compete to find out who is the best music impressionist of Chile.
Graham Norton hosts the annual search for a singer or group to represent the United Kingdom at the E...
Uuden Musiikin Kilpailu (abbreviated UMK) is an annual music contest organised by the Finnish public...
Italia's Got Talent is the Italian version of the international Got Talent series. The pilot episode...