The story revolves around 20-year-old Makoto, who frequently gets involved in highly dangerous situations, usually against his own judgment. Along for the ride are his best buddies Shun, Masa, and Takashi, the enigmatic leader of a local gang in Ikebukuro.
The story of a miserable lad, Jahangir who grew up in a hostile home with a habitually abusive fathe...
Childhood lovers Jacky and Lino meet after being apart for several years. However, now married to di...
Once upon a time in post-war Rome: 13-year old Aurora, a gifted pianist, is the daughter of Valerio,...
Lee Yool falls off a cliff and nearly dies in an attempted assassination. He loses his memory, and w...
The story of a psychic, a priest, and a detective who fight unusual crimes committed by strange powe...
During the Sengoku period, there are many factions constantly at war. One of these is led by a one-e...
As customary per year, the entire family is gathering on the island for a conference that discusses ...
Taking place 15 years after the 7th Space War, the surviving 98 million residents of Earth try to ma...
Anna Karenina was a 1977 BBC television adaptation of Tolstoy's novel.
Arn has to endure so much before he can get the love of his life Cecilie, who has been put away in a...
Hiding a mysterious past, a mother lives like a nameless fugitive with her daughter as they make hot...
The series is about a mysterious serial killer who keeps the whole city in fear and terror. All atte...
Haru, the protagonist, once fulfilled his dream, but fell into despair. After returning to his homet...
In this fantasy investigation series, investigators from two eras must hunt for the truth in old uns...