Killer Instinct is an American crime drama television series filmed in Vancouver that originally aired on the Fox Network. The pilot episode aired on September 23, 2005, and the final episode aired on December 2, 2005. Fox ordered 13 episodes, only nine of which were broadcast in the United States; the remaining four premiered in the UK on Five. The series also been broadcast in France, New Zealand, Croatia, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Japan, and Poland.
Presidio Med is an American medical drama that aired on CBS from September 2002, to January 2003. Th...
Hawaii is a United States television series produced and distributed by NBC Universal Television for...
Houston Knights is an American crime drama set in Houston, Texas. The show ran on CBS from 1987 to 1...
Mike McNeil is a decorated New York City detective whose toughest assignment is himself. He's strugg...
Highly skilled Detective Inspector Jane Tennison battles to prove herself in a male dominated world.
Rachel Burke is a criminal profiler, one of the best, actually. She, along with a sophisticated tea...
Last of the Ninth is an HBO tv pilot for the 2008-2009 season. It was described as a cop drama, set ...
In Justice is an American television police procedural created by Michelle King and Robert King. The...
Two police officers, the older Lt. Stone and the young upstart Inspector Keller, investigate murders...
Mary Ann returns to present-day San Francisco and is reunited with her daughter and ex-husband, twen...
Silk Stalkings is a crime drama television series. The series portrays the daily lives of two detec...
Space Precinct is a British television series that aired from 1994 to 1995 on Sky One and later on B...
Three friends in San Francisco who explore the fun and sometimes overwhelming options available to a...
As WW2 rages around the world, DCS Foyle fights his own war on the home-front as he investigates cri...
Baretta is an American detective television series which ran on ABC from 1975 to 1978. The show was ...
Robbery Homicide Division was an American police procedural television series on CBS, created by Bar...
Hotel is an American prime time drama series which aired on ABC from September 21, 1983 to May 5, 19...
The show follows three main characters who team up to solve unusual cases. Although they have differ...
Like its predecessor, the show follows three main characters who team up to solve unusual cases. Des...
The Big Easy television series was inspired by the film of the same name from 1987. The show premier...