The series is about Kevin Gran who lives with his family in the Silver Forest. He likes to retire to...
The Julekalender was a Danish TV series that ran at Christmas 1991. It was written and performed alm...
The Joulukalenteri was a 1997 Finnish television miniseries produced by MTV3 that was broadcast agai...
Christmas on the Moontop is a Norwegian christmas series. It was produced and sent on NRK in 2002 wi...
Jul i Tøyengata is a Norwegian televised advent calendar created by the Norwegian comedian Zahid Ali...
The Julekalender is a Norwegian Christmas season television series produced by and starring Travelli...
Santas in the barn is a Nordic Christmas calendar that aired on TVNorge in 2001, and is a spoof of r...
A family gathering doesn't go as planned, as one by one is being killed by a mysterious murderer.