Set around the founding of the PRC, the story follows CCP undercover agent Zheng Chaoyang as he battles KMT operatives. After his cover is blown at the Peiping police station, he escapes with a critical list of KMT spies. Returning to Peiping post-liberation, Chaoyang faces a new challenge—elite KMT spies led by "Phoenix," who is revealed to be his estranged brother, Zheng Chaoshan.
Kangxi Dynasty is a 2001 Chinese television series based on the novel Kangxi Da Di by Eryue He. The ...
The series was adapted from Eryue He's historical novels, which are loosely based on historical even...
Su Shi was a statesman of the Song Dynasty, but perhaps best known one of the major poets of the era...
After constantly traveling due to her parents' work, sixteen-year-old Sofía wants stability: to go t...
The music label that the rapper Drumma'K works with resembles a dysfunctional family in which everyo...
Animated comedy with Andrei Merzlikin about the adventures of the bandit Boris who rose from the dea...
A timid high school girl caught the eye of a grim-looking man by keeping her cool despite being frig...
Spy couple live in their midlife crisis and are controlled by higher authorities based oversea. Nati...