The Archie Show is a Saturday morning cartoon animated series produced by Filmation. Based on the Archie comic books, created by Bob Montana in 1941, The Archie Show debuted on CBS in September 1968 and lasted for one season. A total of 17 half-hour shows, each containing two 11 minute segments, were aired. Archie cartoons continued to be aired in various forms until 1978.
Saved by the Bell: The New Class is a spin-off of the Saved by the Bell series which ran from Septem...
Fighting for truth, justice and the last slice of pizza, these five superheroes are living proof you...
On her sixteenth birthday, Sabrina Spellman discovers she has magical powers. She lives with her 600...
Teachers is an American television sitcom that aired on NBC. The show ran for six episodes until its...
Evening Shade is an American sitcom television series that aired on CBS from 1990 to 1994. The serie...
The galaxy's most powerful superheroes return to battle the allied villains and criminal plots that ...
Five quirky teenagers become dinosaurs to fight crime.
Teenagers Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, and Spike fight for a world that fears...
Pat just moved into a new rental house with his mother. There, he meets Pope, an amnesiac ghost, and...
Nam Geum Pil is a man in his 40's and he lives with his father and daughter. Out of the blue, he dec...
Love is unusual for Koizumi Risa and Ootani Atsushi, who are both striving to find their ideal partn...
The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet is an American sitcom, airing on ABC from October 3, 1952 throug...
Fuutarou Uesugi is a poor, antisocial ace student who one day meets the rich transfer student Itsuki...
Bitten by a neogenetic spider, Peter Parker develops spider-like superpowers. He uses these to fight...
This series connects the story of the second movie, "Chihayafuru Part II", with the third movie, "Ch...
There is an urban legend that tells of a shinigami that can release people from the pain they are su...
The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police is an American-Canadian children’s action & adventure ...
Otonokizaka High School is planning to close within three years. However, nine female students come ...
When Kang Bok-Soo was a high school student, he was falsely accused of committing violence and kicke...
Ultra-competitive fraternal twins Lindy and Logan Watson, together with their four best friends, nav...