Each season of this horror anthology series follows a different group of kids, members of the Midnight Society, as they discover terrifying curses and creatures.
A comedy that started in 1991 as a pilot, Murder Most Horrid stars Dawn French as various characters...
Scorpion Tales was a British thriller television series, originally screened in 1978. Produced by AT...
The Chevy Mystery Show is an American television anthology series featuring a different mystery each...
Shy bookstore clerk Kosuke Mikado has the ability to see ghosts and spirits, an ability he wishes he...
An anthology horror drama series centering on different characters and locations, including a house ...
Akuma Kun, a boy raised by a demon, works with his half-human partner Mephisto III as paranormal inv...
A neo-noir anthology television series, set in somber Los Angeles right after World War II and befor...
A secluded serial killer lures videographers into his world with the promise of a paid job documenti...
Tales of supernatural sci-fi phenomena unfold in this collection of seven mind-bending, interconnect...
The story of a lonely, nerdy guy (Justin Rice), who invites a strange girl named Lee (Paige Stark) t...
When they were boys, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatu...
Kraft Suspense Theatre is an American anthology series that was telecast from 1963 to 1965 on NBC. S...
Rod Serling narrates an anthology of fantasy, horror and sci-fi stories from a set resembling a maca...
The evil, sinister killer of the "Nightmare On Elm Street" movies, Freddy Krueger, hosts this show, ...
A horror reimagining of the 1964 classic sitcom The Munsters.
In the winter of 1990, a teenage girl commits suicide. One month later, her best friend realizes she...
The New Alfred Hitchcock Presents is an American anthology series that aired on NBC from 1985 to 198...
Horror has a long and spooky history on our television screens. Shows such as The Twilight Zone, The...
Horror anthology series, with each episode comprising two half-hour stories dealing with themes of t...
Horror Theater Unbalance is a 1973 Japanese Anthology television series created by Tsuburaya and Fuj...