Damages is an American legal thriller television series created by the writing and production trio o...
A look inside one of the world's busiest local courts, Sydney's Downing Centre, and the drama that a...
In Tokyo, an old person, who lived alone, is found dead. Detectives from the Police Station investig...
Dominic Littlewood follows the people charged with upholding the law and handing out fines, includin...
Emma Banville, a human rights lawyer known for defending lost causes, sets out to prove the innocenc...
In cases ripped from the headlines, police investigate serious and often deadly crimes, weighing the...
Marcel Ben David is a former police officer that joins PMTA (initials in Hebrew for: Tel Aviv Distri...
The lawyers of an elite Memphis law firm specializing in the most controversial landmark civil right...
Philly is an American television series created by Steven Bochco that focused on criminal defense at...
A brilliant young attorney, who is also the daughter of a former U.S. president, is blackmailed to h...
Aber Bergen is an entertaining courtroom drama about the recently separated , but for the time being...
Yamazaki Risako lives with her husband Yoichiro and 3-year-old daughter Fumika. One day, she receive...
He needs an assistant. She wants her inheritance back. Zheng Hao is a hotshot attorney who speciali...
Toru is a young part-timer who has no interest in social issues. He gets called in as a juror in the...
When Rei Okumori was in the 3rd grade of middle school, he killed his father to protect his mother A...
"Let’s Live Kindly" promises to reveal what really happens to people when they commit crimes and rec...
Park Cha O Reum works as a rookie judge. She is in her mid-20's and follows "an eye for an eye" prin...
Monster parents-a neologism that denotes parents who repeatedly make unreasonable demands to their c...