irected by François Pomès, this two-part documentary chronicles the epic adventure of the Apollo space program, which included both tragic setbacks and historic successes. The first phase takes place against a backdrop of the Cold War, from the disaster of the Apollo 1 mission to the triumph of the Apollo 8 mission. The last stage culminates with the Apollo 11 space flight which landed American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the Moon. With full-color archival images and 3D reenactments of the mission's key stages, this immersive account details the journey of the men and women who contributed to the celebrated Apollo 11 mission.
An unprecedented look at the decade-long odyssey to land a man on the moon. This documentary pulls b...
A series of short stories about human space exploration.
To celebrate the Apollo moon landing's 50th anniversary, Professor Brian Cox and Dara O Briain trave...
Documentary series offering audiences a unique chance to glimpse an astronaut's view of spaceflight
Steffan Powell presents the gaming programme that helps you choose games that are worth your time an...
Physical and virtual reality have long been united for a modern person. Now it's the turn of sports....
A series featuring six major artists and writers who live and work in exile.
Welcome to Vegas, baby! RuPaul’s Drag Race Live UNTUCKED captures what really happens behind the cur...