The story revolves around Kira and Rei, two high school students. Kira is an extremely introverted artist, and Rei is an outgoing playboy with a frightening violent side. The two start a friendship and eventually a romance after Rei sees a drawing that Kira drew on the back of a map she gave him. However, both Kira and Rei are hiding troubled pasts, and through their relationship they confront their past demons. Masao, a student at Kira and Rei's school, has a connection to Rei's violent past. He enters Kira and Rei's lives to try to force Rei to return to the person he used to be.
Han Qi Lu, a young master, always keeps his distance from the opposite sex because he has a "strange...
"I want to be loved, as a person, and as a woman." Nakamichi Misaki is a teacher who has been marrie...
Ji Hyun is a freshman at a university in Seoul. He comes from a small rural town and is used to livi...
Pareena's life had always been beautifully perfect until the demise of her father, who was like her ...
The infamous Prince Li Shubai of the Hou family suffers an accident while fleeing an arranged marria...
Six outsiders learn the only way to survive school is by sticking together. But can you ever really ...
Five years have passed since Golf "passed away". Bank has never forgotten the love and sacrifice fro...
Because of the brutal killing of his family, making the young engineer take revenge without waiting ...
Jade Tanchingco is born into a wealthy and traditional Chinese-Filipino family. She always believed ...
It's a gorgeous, spacious mansion, and four handsome, fifteen-year-old friends are allowed to live i...
Eddie Sutton is a dedicated police officer, his wife Jenn, a devoted nurse, but their most important...
Keiichi Morisato is looking forward to university life. But in reality, he has no luck in anything, ...
Sara and Jonas fall madly in love. But then Sara discovers that Jonas is slowly radicalizing through...
21-year-old Shinomiya Yuki has no friends and spends his days alone working part-time jobs. One day,...
A story of the battle between two families in the business world, which started from the parent's ge...