Story revolves around the life of a young woman, who is trying to resolve tensions between her father, who runs a restaurant in city of Karachi called Alfonso, and mother, an artist residing in Florida. With the help of friends, she takes on the task of saving her family restaurant from going into ruins, and her family from breaking into pieces.
Two estranged brothers reunite in their small hometown to deal with their mother who has just been r...
Princess Bai Jiu Er of the kingdom of Liang refused to get married and only wanted to develop her ca...
Pasta follows the dreams and successes of a young woman who aspires to become an elite chef at La Sf...
One day, Park Choi Go, decides to quit his job at a big company and open up his own chicken restaura...
The history of the Phoenix Restaurant is closely intertwined with the stories of four women of diffe...
A pair of thirty-somethings meet through a food lover app and embark on a relationship despite past ...
The Good Guys is an American sitcom which aired on CBS from September 25, 1968 to January 23, 1970. ...
Story of a mother and three daughters living in modern day Korean society. The drama conveys a messa...
Pie in the Sky is a British offbeat police comedy drama programme starring Richard Griffiths and Mag...
Frank's Place is an American comedy-drama series which aired on CBS for 22 episodes during the 1987-...
Alice is an American sitcom television series that ran from August 31, 1976 to March 19, 1985 on CBS...
Flo is an American sitcom which aired on CBS from 1980 to 1981. The series is a spin-off for Polly H...
This story revolves around the lives of three teenagers, Berg, Pete and Sharon and how their lives a...
Freddie Moreno had finally escaped from the raucous house of women with whom he grew up. Having achi...
A '90s-set single-camera comedy about a hip-hop-loving Asian kid growing up in suburban Orlando, bei...
The Star Leo is a luxury cruiser shuttling between Japan and Hong Kong. On this cruise, seven top ch...
A sitcom set in the struggling Montreal franchise of a fictional multinational fast-food chain.
Sakurai Misaki has not dated in a long time. She has focused on her work as a pâtissier to eventuall...
The lives and loves of the young staff who work in a successful Dublin restaurant and the intense fr...
For two friends on the brink of losing everything, a dusty pipe dream of opening up an upscale resta...