Follows the life and times of Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping.
The story revolves around an Emperor who does not know martial arts and an Empress who is skilled in...
In the eight years of Qianlong's reign, a golden chamber bird inspection led to a catastrophic earth...
Kyutaro is a swordsman who was feared by people at one time. Now, he is poor and lives alone quietly...
Thousands of years ago, there was a beautiful planet amongst the stars where the deities lived. Amon...
From Chao Phraya to Irawadee (2022)
Prince Lee Hwan receives a cursed letter from a supernatural entity detailing several dark predictio...
Jiang Shuo is in the business of buying haunted houses and selling them. He crosses paths with Qin Y...
Set in the Shanghai Shores at the beginning of the 20th century, where warlords begin to seize their...
A group of brave youth who are not afraid of bullets, guns, and hardships. The students stay firm in...
In 1943 Shanghai, an explosion leads to a showdown between Communist undercover agent Lu Zhengyang a...
Young Blood Agency is an investigative agency during the Republican era that is dedicated to solving...
During the late stages of the Warring States era of the Qin state, Ying Zheng, Lu Bu Wei, Li Si, Wan...
In Shanghai in 1943, Chen Qian, a military agent, was ordered to assassinate the Japanese, but fell ...
Hailing from a banished family of the Great Lin Clan, when Lin Dong was very young, he watched, powe...
In November 1937, Shanghai fell into the hands of the Japanese army led by Wei Da Hong and Lin Qiu Y...
Set towards the end of Sui and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty is a story of intense upheaval that...
This movie can make you drop all what you have to do a whole day to watch it.... It is intriguing an...