Based on the best-selling novel by the same name, "Asylum City" is set in the underworld of refugees...
When a gruesomely staged body is found at the German-Austrian border, two detectives investigate. As...
About 150,000 illegal entrants live in Tokyo. They are not recognised as refugees and live in poor c...
Takes place twenty years after the events of “L’Auberge Espanole,” and follows Tom and Mia, the chil...
The story of the international refugee crisis, depicting a world where greed, violence and exploitat...
Sirens is a thriller set in Eilat. It revolves around Shelley Toledano, 32, a policewoman with the I...
Truck driver Erwin believes that he's helping people when he smuggles refugees, but shocking consequ...
Comrades Mano and Sharan (Little Brother) travel from northern Iraq after Sharan's brother is shot b...
Mini-series done in the style of a docudrama, which transports the Israel-Palestine conflict to the ...
Bordertown is a 1995 Australian TV miniseries. It takes place in a post World War II refugee camp in...
The European Union has been beset by a series of comings and goings over the last few years, each tr...
"Keeping Up with the Khans" explores the lives and aspirations of new migrants to Britain, and the i...
Coach driver and single dad Peter Green leads a life of ordinary routine until the discovery of a de...
A series about the AZC (Asylum Seekers Centre) in Zutphen. An unusual, intimate portrait of people w...
A man questions an artificial intelligence.
Han Qi Lu, a young master, always keeps his distance from the opposite sex because he has a "strange...