A one-episode television pilot for a proposed 1981 spin-off of the British science fiction televisio...
Set in a world where love is deemed illegal and can be eradicated with a special procedure. With 95 ...
Pryde of the X-Men was a short-lived series about the X-Men, with the main character being Kitty Pry...
Born with a genetic defect, 23-year-old agent Gaia lacks one of the most basic human instincts: fear...
CBS anthology series airing unsold television pilots during the summer season.
It's the modern day, and being Wonder Woman is complicated. Diana is leading a triple life - running...
Aaron Foley, Axel Foley's blue-collar police officer son, helps take down the criminal elements of t...
A young twenty-something diver living in the Florida Keys discovers he has the power to breathe unde...
An astronaut with a medical secret is on the run from the evil Ron Silver and the rest of NASA, with...
The high-kicking, high-action exploits of Buddhist Kung-Fu law enforcement officer Terry Phoo and fe...
Four survivors are killin' zombies and searching for a place to call home.
Angus MacGyver's nephew Clay leaves school and winds up joining his uncle's organization, the Phoeni...
Throughout history when ordinary people find themselves under the shadow of evil, the Payne Family h...
A band of superheroes fight crime through the power of rock.
When a father discovers that his missing daughter has been indoctrinated into a cult, he goes underg...