This is a drama series about the lives of three rich, entitled, passionate and ambitious young men: Kalifah, Nuhu and Diko. Elections are fast approaching and there's a tussle for the governorship seat of the Northern Caliphate State of Kowa. Soon personal conflicts intertwine between their families in a race to crown the next Governor.
A whirlwind power clash between the prime minister and deputy prime minister unravels the day the pr...
When a Nigerian single mother travels to India for a medical checkup, her journey will end up touchi...
1911, A graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens, Sasha Meshcherskaya returns to a small provincia...
Helen Simpson's scorching novel of passion and unspoken loyalty is brought to life in a major mini s...
Bu Tejo becomes her husband's campaign's head of success team for the village head nomination. It tu...
Alicia Florrick boldly assumes full responsibility for her family and re-enters the workforce after ...
In an era filled with danger, deception and intrigue, Cassian Andor will discover the difference he ...
Six months after deciding to pull herself together and get sober, Bridget witnesses a murder. Realiz...
In the midst of an international crisis, a career diplomat lands in a high-profile job she’s unsuite...
After a plot to kill the president of the USA an agent with lost memories tries to recover his life ...
The triumphs and tragedies of the most popular political family in American history.
This three-part political thriller follows the catastrophic chain of events leading up to World War ...
During the 1950s, Helsinki was the focal point of the Cold War, as global powers and their intellige...
Mackenzie Allen has a lot on her plate -- she has twin teenagers, a 6-year-old at home and an ambiti...
The murder of Sonia Baker, a young political researcher, leads journalist Cal McCaffrey to uncover c...
CIA officer Carrie Mathison is tops in her field despite being bipolar, which makes her volatile and...
Atlantic City at the dawn of Prohibition is a place where the rules don't apply. And the man who run...
The life of German thinker Karl Marx, focusing on his political and economic theories, his romance w...
Many prisoners convicted of rape, murder and terrorism are released before serving their full senten...