In a society that puts the spotlight on the smart guys only, there are people who do not have a grai...
American version of the tense gameshow where contestants tackle a series of multiple-choice question...
Three personalities compete to win the title of best guest of the evening. Antoine Vézina is the jud...
Comedy quiz show full of quirky facts, in which contestants are rewarded more if their answers are '...
Each week a group of four famous faces go toe-to-toe testing their general knowledge in a variety of...
Bullseye is an American game show that aired in syndication from September 29, 1980 to September 24,...
In $100,000 Pyramid, contestants are in teams of two. The goal of the game is to help your partner g...
A long-running German-language entertainment television show based on the format of the British show...
Italian version of the popular game show where answering 14 multiple-choice questions could net cont...
Punchlines was a comedy game show series hosted by Lennie Bennett that was produced by LWT and aired...