Follows the story of six young individuals who work hard to achieve their dreams and also dream of loving someone special and being loved as well. Amora, Bento and Fabio were raised at an orphanage at Capo Verde by Gilson and his wife, Selma. They each took their own path in life when Amora was adopted by actress Barbara Ellen, Fabio with a broke family in the countryside and Bento grew up to become a florist in a cooperative with Gilson, Selma and Giane, a childhood friend Who secretly has a crush on him. Amora becomes a famous model and media personality and socialite Who is brattish and vain, and Malú, her adoptive sister is a responsible, simple and down to earth University student who is unloved by Barbara Ellen who considers her a mistake.
A youth named Diego (David Chocarro) was released from prison, 20 years after being incarcerated. He...
This modern fairy tale tells the story of a homeless girl who dreams of helping out her family and f...
After making a pact with Jequitibá, José Inocêncio becomes a mythical figure, known as the most succ...
The story of the first 2,300 years of humanity and recounts events exclusively from that period. The...
Soy Tu Dueña is a Mexican telenovela produced by Nicandro Díaz González for Televisa. It starred Luc...
Amar sin límites is a Mexican telenovela that was produced by Televisa and broadcast on that company...
Sin Vergüenza is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by Telemundo and RTI Colombia. This limited-...
Velo de Novia is a Mexican telenovela produced by Juan Osorio Ortiz to Televisa in 2003. It starred ...
Juro que te amo is a Mexican telenovela produced by Martha Patricia López de Zatarain for Televisa i...
Corazón en Condominio is a Mexican telenovela produced by Azteca in 2013. It stars Victor García and...