The story takes place in a world created by a beings known as "Story Tellers." At birth, all inhabitants of this world are bestowed with a "book of fate" where all their lives are written in advance. However, rogue Story Tellers known as Chaos Tellers are writing bad events into people's books without them knowing. It is up to the holders of blank books of fate to seek out the Chaos Tellers and restore the world.
The anime will focus on the everyday lives of three different streamer cats: Nya, who has a small ch...
Chen Jun, an aimless wannabe otaku, suddenly became the Emperor of a multiverse-spanning kingdom. Th...
As a member of a malevolent organization, the General is tasked with invading Earth and wiping out h...
In this world, creatures like vampires and werewolves still walk about, but Aya Rindo can’t say the ...
In a world where humans coexist with androids called Neans, a group known as the Immortal Nine rises...
Imaginative boy Ben transforms his city by bringing colorful street art to life, armed with a magic ...
Brought together by the mysterious Dr. Tarsan, four powerful psychic warriors Mia Alice, Lamba Nom, ...
High-strung Chiga finds himself questioning the results when his judo team partner, Kokusai, is elec...
The story follows Rena Yukuhasahi, a reserved office lady and Ryouhei Hachiya, a businessman and fel...
Set between the Kamakura and Muromachi periods, during the Kenmu Restoration, the story follows the ...
Announced at the the "Gintama Ato no Matsuri 2023" event: an anime adaptation of a light novel spin-...
Ryza is an ordinary girl. Tired of boring village life, she escapes the village to gather with her g...
Based on the horror manga created by duo Fujiko Fujio, The Laughing Salesman tells the story of a sa...
Marisa, an ordinary magician, suspects a youkai is behind the winterly weather in the middle of spri...
Part-timer Carole meets rich girl Tuesday, and each realizes they've found the musical partner they ...
Follows the exploits of the young sorceress Lina Inverse, whose life revolves around food, treasure,...
In Japan, there exists a government agency known as the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Divisi...
Shu is a typical Japanese boy, but has an unbeatable, optimistic and determined attitude. However, w...
Junichi Asakura lives with his adoptive sister Nemu in the crescent-shaped island of Hatsune Jima, a...
An animated prequel to the live-action show "Sabrina, the Teenage Witch," the series features 12-yea...