Set in Kyoto, the story revolves around a single, 40-year-old part-time university lecturer named Urasawa Yu. Although she is awkward in normal social situations, she possesses extraordinary judgment when it comes to understanding people in art-related contexts and determining the authenticity of historical works of art. With those skills, she is able to determine the truth behind various incidents that happen around her. Tokyograph
This docuseries examines the decades-old murder of Sister Catherine Cesnik and its suspected link to...
A thriller anthology series detailing the separate stories of two teachers, Jenna and Dani. Jenna, a...
In 2021, Lin Beixing, approaching 30, works at a zoo in an animal suit and eagerly anticipates marry...
Strange occurrences afflict a group of people after they purchase items on a shopping website from t...
A passionate reporter with exceptional talent, Lee Jin Woo has dedicated his entire career to pursui...
Four women with ulterior and hidden secrets because of a businessman's unexplainable assassination. ...
When a spate of grisly murders throws a city into chaos, a tenacious prosecutor must brace for a cat...
The show takes place from 1944 to 2002 and follows the lives of three families: the Crawfords, who s...
A former detective now living on the streets searches for the truth after a new death raises unnervi...
Shinjuku Ward, east side… The center of the street with the most chaos, there's Kabuki-chō, full of ...
After his death, Met is a ghost that is consumed by loneliness. That is until he meets a strange boy...
Hua Long, Su Mei, Bao Zhan and Professor Liang comprise the SIG (Special Investigation Group). This ...
A family's lives are irreparably disrupted when the 14-year-old son is accused of murdering a fellow...
When the decomposed body of Melissa Young is found by a couple in their new flat, Detective Len Harp...
Kimi lives in a small, low-cost housing complex located in the seaside town of Kurosaki, with horrif...
Hayata is a member of the Science Patrol, an organization tasked with investigating bizarre anomalie...
A sociopathic socialite plots her father's murder.
The Plough (Big Dipper) Department is a special investigation institution that works for the emperor...
A movie star and two business CEO's died one after another in "S" city, and the causes of their deat...