Set in Kyoto, the story revolves around a single, 40-year-old part-time university lecturer named Urasawa Yu. Although she is awkward in normal social situations, she possesses extraordinary judgment when it comes to understanding people in art-related contexts and determining the authenticity of historical works of art. With those skills, she is able to determine the truth behind various incidents that happen around her. Tokyograph
The show takes place from 1944 to 2002 and follows the lives of three families: the Crawfords, who s...
Mai Daqi is a genius in the legal profession, but because of his dissatisfaction with the profitism ...
Biblia Second-hand Bookstore has been quietly open for business in some corner of Kamakura. Its owne...
Follow the tale of nine strangers who find themselves lost in a remote Mexican jungle after their sm...
Baywatch Nights is an American police and science fiction drama series that aired in syndication fro...
The lives of a college student and a video game designer are kept being reset after an explosion on ...
Takano has been transferred to the Public Security Department, which is considered to be an elite am...
Angkab, a daughter of a jewelry tycoon, was in love with Jed but he in turn decided to marry a dista...
Sergio hasn't spoken since the day he murdered his parents. Six years later, a teen girl may be the ...
An unfathomable incident introduces a genius engineer to dangerous secrets of the world — and to a w...
Dr. Bunnakit is a medical examiner based at a provincial hospital. One day, after carrying out an au...
A modern-day drama about a crime-solving duo that cracks the NYPD's most impossible cases. Following...
The third film of the project about Cherkasov's task force is "Goznak". Based on another famous stor...
Return Man is a start-up company that offers a 100% guarantee in returning lost or stolen items to t...
On a freezing December night in 1963, 13-year-old Alison Carter took her dog for a walk and was neve...
Raised in a secret facility built for experimenting on children, Jarod is a genius who can master an...
A lawyer, caught up in a murder case, becomes a notorious and genius con artist overnight, in order ...