The story centers on Minato, who goes to an anime event that has a voice acting recital with a friend. He is fascinated by the talent of the voice actors, and he meets Chikako, who studies at the Suidoubashi Animation Academy. The series follows the trials and tribulations of those who aim to become voice actors.
Yukito Kunisaki is on a journey in search of the Winged Maiden who was bound to the sky centuries ag...
Based on a series of light novels written by Tanaka Yoshiki. The story revolves around Ryōko Yakushi...
Follows the exploits of the young sorceress Lina Inverse, whose life revolves around food, treasure,...
In Japan, there exists a government agency known as the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Divisi...
Shu is a typical Japanese boy, but has an unbeatable, optimistic and determined attitude. However, w...
A timid high school girl caught the eye of a grim-looking man by keeping her cool despite being frig...
The drama mainly tells the story of Gu Nuan, an illegitimate daughter of the Gu family, who found ou...
The drama tells the story of the housewife Bai Ying Ying who is disheartened by her marriage life af...
Japan may be brimming with mysterious monsters called ayakashi, but they have a special exorcist nin...
It is the Universal Century, year 0153. The Zanscare Empire, which rules almost all of Side 2, has d...
The main character of the story is Pollon, a sweet, precocious little girl who is the daughter of th...
300 years ago, the interstellar colonization transport, The Mesopotamia, had an accident, setting ma...
Tang Bu Yan, the eccentric head of the Tang family is looking for the foretold "destined person", sa...
A 10 billion won insurance murder case causes Oh Ha Naui to lose everything. She sets out to take re...
Ju Eun-ho is an unknown announcer with 14 years of experience. She struggles to get the chance to ha...
Daten City: A place on the fault line between heaven and hell. Once again, terrifying ghosts are sil...
A heartwarming short anime based on the 2.9 million-selling hit manga "Demon Island" serialized on L...
It is based on the story of young cartoonist Xiong Dun who encounters double setbacks in love and th...
A faceless clan lives in a large mansion, masquerading as nobles. Their caretakers are living dolls ...