The story follows the lead characters through their experiences as members of the Police Negotiation Cadre (PNC). The PNC is a volunteer unit of the Hong Kong police force specializing in negotiations with terrorist members, partakers of local violence, and individuals contemplating suicide. The whole series is dotted with both large and small cases handled by the story's heroes and heroines.
When Flight KA29 is hijacked during its seven-hour journey from Dubai to London, Sam Nelson—an accom...
Eric Beaumont's crisis negotiator team is brought in to save lives and resolve the most difficult ki...
The harrowing true story of the 1993 standoff between the FBI, ATF and the Branch Davidians, a spiri...
An early morning in October, 15 people are taken hostage from a subway train. This puts a huge hosta...
Disguised under the shadows of a mask, a crew of desperados band together under the leadership of a ...
The series follows the day to day operations of Brothers Aaron and Ben Senes along with their childh...
Set in Johannesburg, the City of Gold, Pawn Stars South Africa opens the door to the Cash Inn pawn s...
Pawn Stars UK is a British reality television series which debuted on 26 August 2013. The series is ...
An exclusive insight into the work and recruitment of the special units of the Belgian Federal Polic...
Go inside the colorful world of the pawn business. At the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop on the outskirts o...
In the Heat of the Night is an American television series based on the motion picture and novel of t...
This series is about a 19-year-old girl, Yoo Min, who was being abandoned after the death of her mot...
Columbo is a friendly, verbose, disheveled-looking police detective who is consistently underestimat...
One Life to Live is an American soap opera broadcast on television for more than 43 years on the ABC...
Guiding Light is an American television soap opera that is credited by the Guinness Book of World Re...
Set 58 years before Battlestar Galactica, Caprica follows two rival families - the Graystones and th...
A coroner searches for truth and justice with the help of his friends, while trying to hold his fami...
The Horton and Brady broods endure the romantic trials of life in Salem, a Midwestern hamlet filled ...
The life of the remarkable man who passed away after an extraordinary 26 year reign, and whose papal...
Bitten by a neogenetic spider, Peter Parker develops spider-like superpowers. He uses these to fight...