I Want a Famous Face is a Reality television program on MTV, produced by Pink Sneakers Productions. The show features young adults who undergo plastic surgery with the goal of looking more like a famous person. Celebrities that participants have chosen to look more like include Pamela Anderson, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, Brad Pitt, Ricky Martin and Victoria Beckham. The show also features short spots on how plastic surgery can go wrong from people that have experienced poor health resulting from their attempts at plastic surgery.
Sex Change Hospital is an American six-part documentary series following trans men and women having ...
Vogue Williams and Mobeen Azhar separate cosmetic surgery fact from fiction. Can watching an operati...
In the multi-billion dollar world of plastic surgery, beauty is in the eye of the beholder... or is...
They have fixed the unfixable and thought they'd seen it all. Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nassif w...
Tatted Sky and Brittany Renner come together to shake what your mama gave ‘ya vs shake what the doct...
The essence of love is fading and is evermore harder to do. In this day and age, will there be love ...
Hotshot plastic surgeons Dr. Sean McNamara and Dr. Christian Troy experience full-blown midlife cris...
Because of her looks, Liu has been bullied her whole life. In order to make friends in university an...
The first female US President Sally Sheridan is shot dead by a sniper during her Veterans Day speech...
Campus couple and budding young designers Yi En and Qi Lei decide to set up a fashion label together...
Tough gangland retribution takes a disturbingly bright, shiny turn in this insanely guilty pleasure ...
Destinées revolves around clinique Jouvence, a cosmetics and health clinic offering a variety of tre...
Bullied for her looks, Mi-rae gets plastic surgery hoping for a better kind of life but faces new ch...
As a child, Fa Ping was teased for her ugliness. After an accident that required her to have plastic...
Young artist Shen Yi's life changes when a commission leads to a police case gone wrong. Seven years...