A dark comedy following a multicultural mix of men and women deployed as Army medics to a forward op...
From the streets of Afghanistan comes an all-new series profiling the U.S. military's most dangerous...
Escaped convict Lin Ford flees to the teeming streets of 1980s Bombay, looking to disappear. Working...
The frantic lives of the resident doctors and nurses working at the only military hospital providing...
Lieutenant Erling Riiser is on his way back to Norway after a long stay in Afghanistan. Much has gon...
From inside history's biggest empire, host Abby Martin records a world shaped by war & inequalit...
Finding a way to end a war. Insiders tell the long and troubled story of a chaotic conflict, reveali...
Bluestone 42 is a comedy drama about a British bomb disposal detachment in Afghanistan. So what’s th...
This two-part series tells the story of the conflict in Afghanistan and asks what has been achieved ...
Afghanistan is at a crossroads between traditions and a contemporary lifestyle.
Kaboul Kitchen is a French comedy television series broadcast by Canal+. It was created by Marc Vict...
Three iconic adventurers - newsman John Simpson, polar explorer Ranulph Fiennes and solo yachtsman R...
Set towards the end of the Jin Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, Sumoer is a Khorchin Mongo...
Ton and Tawan love each other deeply but their love is tested by Ton’s new secretary who seems to be...
It's a story about an air hostess that comes to a crossroad, will she choose her Love or her dreams?