Explore the transformative years following the American Civil War, when the nation struggled to rebu...
Hybrid docuseries offering an expansive exploration of the exploitative and genocidal aspects of Eur...
A documentary on the American Civil War narrated by Ken Burns, covering the secession of the Confede...
The history of decolonization from the point of view of colonized peoples, an epic story that still ...
Martijn Blekendaal and Finbarr Wilbrink travel along the Underground Railroad, the underground netwo...
Everything you thought you knew about slavery is about to be challenged. Africans in America: Americ...
A look at the role of slavery in the development of wealth in the United Kingdom
The complex life of Thomas Jefferson, who wrote that "all men are created equal" yet owned slaves, i...
See the real modern-day Amazonia through an exploration of the Amazon Basin, meeting a different gro...
The history of American slavery from its beginnings in the British colonies to its end in the Southe...
In keeping with the original project, this series seeks to reframe the country's history by placing ...
Set during the final days of slavery in 19th century Jamaica, we follow the trials, tribulations and...
In a mythical land called Arth, the inhabitants of the ancient city of Arthdal and its surrounding r...
Enslaved teenager Henry Shackleford, aka Little Onion, becomes a member in abolitionist John Brown’s...
The story of the enduring friendship between Orry Main of South Carolina and George Hazard of Pennsy...
An adaptation of Alex Haley's "Roots", chronicling the history of an African slave, Kunta Kinte sold...
Kidnapped in Africa and subsequently enslaved in South Carolina, Aminata must navigate a revolution ...