The City is an American reality television series that originally aired on MTV from December 29, 2008 until July 13, 2010. Developed as the spin-off of The Hills, the series aired two seasons and focused on the personal and professional lives of several young women residing in New York City, New York. The series originally focused on Whitney Port, who appeared in its predecessor, as she began employment with Diane von Fürstenberg. It additionally placed emphasis on her workplace rival Olivia Palermo, Port's boyfriend Jay Lyon, his roommate Adam Senn, and her friend Erin Lucas. The latter three were replaced by Port's roommate Roxy Olin and Palermo's enemy Erin Kaplan for the second half of the first season.
Renowned Mexican-American chef Aarón Sánchez travels to Los Angeles, Houston, Miami and New York to ...
This Complex series follows the paper trail of musicians, athletes and influencers in LA as they blo...
Brazil’s Fab Five use their knowledge of well-being, style, grooming, design and culture to transfor...
In every high-style-meets-high-stakes episode, four competitors face off in dramatically themed chal...
Each week these drag designers will bring their best work forward as they create exceptional never b...
A makeover show where two friends or two family members critique with other clothing and hair stylis...
Lindsay Lohan returns to New York City and reunites with friends and family. As Lindsay works to sta...
Aspiring fashion designers compete for a chance to break into the industry. Each week, a designer is...
Ray J serves as driver and expert wingman as he finds one sexy single 5 potential dates in the back ...
Anthony and Mama Doris embark on a European trip of a lifetime, where they navigate other cultures a...
Naomi Campbell and two other supermodel mentors will choose four hopeful models to mentor and guide ...
A group of little ladies navigate the Big Apple while facing obstacles that test people even of aver...
Follows Tinsley Mortimer, New York's most talked-about "Park Avenue Princess," as she and her circle...
Downtown Girls was an MTV reality show about five girls living in New York City. The series debuted ...
A reality series that follows the lives and loves of a group of British twenty-somethings as they ba...
Inclusive fashionistas and designers dare to do what the high street doesn't, as they create fabulou...
Six women have 10 days to become their own personal stylist. The exclusive school’s schedule include...