Wheel of Fortune is a British television game show created by Merv Griffin. Contestants compete to solve word puzzles, similar to those used in Hangman, to win cash and prizes. The title refers to the show's giant carnival wheel that contestants spin throughout the course of the game to determine their cash and/or prizes. The programme aired between 19 July 1988 and 21 December 2001 and was produced by Scottish Television for the ITV network and mostly follows the same general format from the original version of the programme from the United States.
Super Password is an American game show, hosted by Allen Ludden, Bill Cullen and Tom Kennedy, that a...
Hosted by India's biggest superstar, Amitabh Bachchan, one of the biggest shows is here to entertain...
Hollywood Squares is an American panel game show, in which two contestants play tic-tac-toe to win c...
Audience members dress up in outlandish costumes to get host Wayne Brady's attention in an attempt t...
Two teams fight it out to dodge detention, and put the cool back into school, in a mischievous mix o...
Each week, respected team captains Ron Manager and Tommy Stein are joined by host Simon Day and four...
What do you get when you combine American Idol with the type of singing talent you usually only hear...
Concentration is an American television game show based on the children's memory game of the same na...
Burgo's Catch Phrase was an Australian game show that ran between 1997 and 2003, produced by Souther...
Bad Influence! is an early to mid-1990s British factual television programme broadcast on CITV betwe...
Safe House follows the lives of eight GMMTV artists morning to night as they live under one roof and...
Could you pass off a complete stranger as your new best friend for one short weekend to win £10k, ev...
Catchphrase is a British game show based on the short-lived U.S. game show of the same name. It orig...
Shooting Stars is a British television comedy panel game broadcast on BBC Two as a pilot in 1993, th...
A team of intrepid contestants tackle a series of ingenious games and fiendish challenges in a giant...
The hottest new item That allows everyone to survive in this era! Compete to the death, who will sur...
Storybook Squares is a short-lived Saturday morning version of Hollywood Squares for children. The p...
Pros vs. Joes is an American physical reality game show that airs on Spike TV. The show features mal...
A game show that takes place on a set inspired on a cool and crazy house. Two teams will have a chan...