Muteking, The Dashing Warrior is a retro anime series from the 1980s blending action, comedy, and sci-fi in a colorful, lighthearted narrative. The story follows Rin Yuki, a young boy who transforms into the superhero Muteking, with the help of his alien companion, Takoro. Together, they fight against the mischievous Kurodako Brothers, who are constantly hatching bizarre and often absurd plans to take over the world. From food-related schemes to mind-control through music, every episode is a new adventure where Muteking must use his unique abilities, including roller-skating and music, to save the day.
Takuma isn’t the most exciting guy. He’s awkward, single, and does nothing but go to work and come h...
An unexplored dungeon, filled with monsters and traps. An expert thief, searching for her lost fathe...
Normally, people choose to become adventurers in their teens. At 30 years old, Rick Gladiator bucks ...
Follow the story of these beach boys who learned to love the ultimate sport of surfing!
In another world, an ever-growing Sea of Snow has engulfed the planet surface. The people struggle t...
Four animal superheroes called the Miniforce transform into robots to protect small and defenseless ...
No matter where she goes, Sora takes her sketchbook along. The world is full of mysterious and beaut...
A new school term begins, as does the season of new encounters. As he surveys his class full of coup...
On a spring day when the cherry blossoms have started to fall, the naïve princess of a small country...
The theft of the Greater Grail from Fuyuki City leads to a splintered timeline in which the Great Ho...
Hyakkaou Private Academy. An institution for the privileged with a very peculiar curriculum. You see...
The seal that for hundreds of years had confined the demon king Giri has worn off. A young boy named...
High school student Kanade Amakusa suffers from a curse called "Absolute Choice,” which requires him...
Kou comes to a slum neighborhood in search of his elder brother Takumi and finds him to have become ...
The Krakozhia Dukedom and the Grania Republic are at war, and high school student Sōhei Yano wants n...
In an age when large-scale natural disasters frequently happen all over the world, when cyborgs and ...
A 16-year-old boy named Shurato and his friend Gai happen to be drawn into a gigantic ball of light ...
Gintarou is a fox spirit that has been protecting the small Inari temple since the Edo era. Saeki Ma...
The story takes place in the second half of the 19th century, as Japanese culture gains popularity i...
After her grandmother passed away, high school student Ryō Machiko began living by herself. Although...