The series revolves around a large family dominated by Father Zain Al Attar, who embodies the course of the artist Mahmoud Hamida, and has a large number of children who live with him in the house except two, one of them lives in a shelter and the other an aggressive person, and recounts the relationship of this father with gangs of arms and smugglers.
With the city in peril following the seawall's collapse, Oswald "Oz" Cobb seeks to fill the power va...
Kingpin is an American crime drama television series which debuted on the NBC network in the U.S. an...
Delve into the secret underworld of the American Mafia, as told by the criminals who lived it and th...
Trilateral Slopes, a tropical exotic melting pot teeming with all kinds of people, a place where pro...
A docudrama series chronicling some of America's most notorious mobsters, each season dealing with a...
An adaptation of Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather and The Godfather: Part II, re-edited in chron...
For most physicians, the Hippocratic oath is sacred. But for one Chicago doctor, who is indebted to...
Murder. Extortion. Drug smuggling. Racketeering. The charges are mounting against John Gotti — but w...
In the Heat of the Night is an American television series based on the motion picture and novel of t...
This series is about a 19-year-old girl, Yoo Min, who was being abandoned after the death of her mot...
Columbo is a friendly, verbose, disheveled-looking police detective who is consistently underestimat...
One Life to Live is an American soap opera broadcast on television for more than 43 years on the ABC...
Guiding Light is an American television soap opera that is credited by the Guinness Book of World Re...
Set 58 years before Battlestar Galactica, Caprica follows two rival families - the Graystones and th...
A coroner searches for truth and justice with the help of his friends, while trying to hold his fami...
The life of the remarkable man who passed away after an extraordinary 26 year reign, and whose papal...
Bitten by a neogenetic spider, Peter Parker develops spider-like superpowers. He uses these to fight...
Renton Thurston desires to leave his home behind and join the mercenary group known as Gekkostate, h...
At the turn of the century, the Angels returned to Earth, seeking to wipe out humanity in an apocaly...
Thunderbirds is a 1960s British science-fiction television series which was produced using a mixed m...