A documentary film series on the Italian Mafia Cosa Nostra, exploring its codes, exploring its activ...
With episodes focusing on Irish, Italian, black, and Jewish organized crime, this series explores th...
Investigative journalists discover the history of the most dangerous Polish criminal groups of the '...
Godfathers investigates the mob like no other documentary before it. From the mass immigration of It...
The story of how the lottery invented to finance a zoo was incorporated by Rio de Janeiro's popular ...
Infiltrate the legendary secrecy of one of the world's most powerful criminal organisations to expos...
Uncovers the extraordinary truth behind some of the Mafia's most notorious outlaws, and reveals how ...
The story of the 1986-87 "Maxi-trial" against Cosa Nostra in Palermo, Italy. Instructed by the Anti-...
No one is safe from cyber crimes in India. From CAs, and advocates, to villagers, 1 out of every 2 I...
Murder. Extortion. Drug smuggling. Racketeering. The charges are mounting against John Gotti — but w...
With archive film including home movies and FBI surveillance material, the award-winning Crime Inc. ...
Sicily boasts a bold "Anti-Mafia" coalition. But what happens when those trying to bring down organi...
Explore five powerful New York Mafia families, who ran organized crime in America.
New York City in the 1970s was ruled with a bloody fist by five mafia families, until a group of fed...
Mafia Connection exposes old and new mafia organizations threating Italy.
In three parts, a fascinating investigation into the heart of the Chinese triads, today's hidden all...
Documentary series on the tragic fate of Quebec's greatest boxers of the 80s and 90s, the Hilton bro...