Without Secrets, is an educational television show broadcast on Israeli Educational Television during the years 1983–1986 and on reruns during the mid-1990s. The show was intended for lower grades of Elementary, seeking to help with their reading. The show was incorporated as an integral part of the school curriculum and was even accompanied by 10 study booklets and 5 enrichment booklets, published by the 'Center for Educational Technology'. The first-of-its-kind educational television broadcasts intended to teach children to read and would visualize to the viewer the process of reading through songs and sketches led by some well-remembered characters such as Gashash Balash and Itonish. The show's hosts Hanny Nahmias, Oshik Levi, Natan Natanzon, and Hanan Goldblat, and several other actors who'd participated on the show such as Shula Hen, Ofra Haza, Galia Isay, and Mati Sari. Plasticine Animation clips, introducing the characters "Alphy" and "Betty", were also featured.
Curious puppet pals Waffles and Mochi travel the world exploring the wonders of food and culture whi...
Morning meeting with a lively story with Captain Koji!
Learning Mandarin Chinese is fun and easy for kids when they're in company with Miaomiao and friends...
Educational show, Paul and Barry are running a hotel.
A group of musically gifted and ethnically diverse children travel around the world in an artificial...
A revival of the 1960s and 1990s TV series where children can learn the answer to anything beginning...
Tweenies Bella, Milo, Fizz and Jake get into many adventures such as visiting a farm, watching puppe...
Learn the basics of rights and citizenship with upbeat songs by popular artists like Janelle Monáe, ...
Hedvig lives in a trailer in the woods and has a nose for learning new words. Helping her is Helge, ...
Fabulous Funnies is a Filmation cartoon series on NBC that ran for one season in 1978; it features a...
Through engaging short episodes starring the lovable, well-mannered Crawford the Cat, primary school...
Award-winning technology and internet safety video series for families, schools and organizations to...
Takalani Sesame is the South African version of the children's television program Sesame Street. Co-...
Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? is a television game show format based on posing grade-school lev...