House of Style is an MTV show that premiered January 1, 1989, focusing on America's growing fascinat...
Based on the popular gossip website, this entertainment newsmagazine delivers daily updates on Holly...
"Girlfriend Friday" with Nikki Rouleau and Misty Mills focuses on fashion and jewelry and encourages...
An examination of how America’s changing style through the decades has mirrored the political, socia...
Two sisters who set up a London fashion house for society of the early 1920s.
Best Week Ever is a weekly television program on the United States cable/satellite network VH1. It s...
A poor young man from New York's Lower East Side determines to overcome his status, and through hard...
Otonokizaka High School is planning to close within three years. However, nine female students come ...
After getting struck by lightning during the The Great Vampire War, Ying Wuet Tseuk and his gang of ...
Portuguese Problems is a highly anticipated six-episode sketch comedy series that is scheduled to ai...
A makeover show where two friends or two family members critique with other clothing and hair stylis...
Edu and Fih, from Diva Depressão YouTube channel, with the help of Lorelay Fox, Renata Santti, Nátal...
Totally Spies! depicts three girlfriends 'with an attitude' who have to cope with their daily lives ...