The story of Jim Worth, an expat British police officer starting a new life with his family as police chief in Little Big Bear, an idyllic town near the Rocky Mountains. When his small town is overrun by migrant workers from a massive new oil refinery – the wave of drugs, prostitution and organised crime that follows them threatens to sweep away everything in its wake.
When Kang Bok-Soo was a high school student, he was falsely accused of committing violence and kicke...
Three-year-old Nikola Szlezyngier disappears in unexplained circumstances and her parents Angelika a...
Gary Sparrow is an ordinary bloke in 1990s Britain, married to the ambitious Yvonne and working as a...
Piotr Grodecki is an investigative journalist uncovering corruption and scandals at the highest leve...
After serving 17 years in prison for a murder conviction, Asa Katz receives an early release on the ...
Bus Stop is a 26-episode American drama which aired on ABC from October 1, 1961, until March 25, 196...
Tom Mathias comes to Aberystwyth having abandoned his life in London. He's a brilliant but troubled ...
Chang Zheng, the vice captain of the criminal police brigade, is investigating a shooting case in a ...
Six very different but equally determined and dedicated police officers comprise a group specializin...
After causing a major incident, police officer Daigo Agawa takes his wife and daughter to live in th...
Lux, an exceptionally-gifted geek, suffers a severe humiliation from the other students as soon as h...
After three years locked up for a crime he didn’t commit, former police officer André Câmara is back...
Designer An Duoduo discovers that her fiancé Qin Lang is cheating on her during their wedding prepar...
Whether it's a cheating ex, a double-crossing co-worker, or the best friend who stabbed you in the b...
At the Northern part of Xinjiang, two policemen were killed by a group of poachers and the prey were...
Chang Sheng, a police officer at Pinghai North Station, is wrongly branded an evil cop after a video...
Two detectives solve minor crimes happening in the city.