Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle is an animated series created by the Filmation studio for CBS. There are a total of 36 episodes produced over the first four seasons. The series does not appear in the Entertainment Rights library, and the rights most likely rest with the estate of Edgar Rice Burroughs. However, Warner Home Video has released one episode on DVD, "Tarzan and the Colossus of Zome," on Saturday Morning Cartoons: 1970s Volume 1; Warner Bros.' rights to the series may originate from their ownership of international TV distribution rights in the 1970s and 1980s.
Tarzan: The Epic Adventures is a syndicated series that aired for one season. It focuses on the char...
Set after the events of the "The Lion King," follow Timon and Pumbaa as they go on misadventures in ...
Daktari is an American children's drama series that aired on CBS between 1966 and 1969. The series, ...
Based on real-life experiences, Tenko remains one of the most fondly remembered and acclaimed BBC dr...
It's A Big Big World is an American children's television show on PBS Kids, that debuted January 2, ...
The Legend of Tarzan picks up where the 1999 feature film left off, with the title character adjusti...
From the day two decades ago that young John Clayton's parents died and left him alone in the Africa...
George of the Jungle is an American animated series produced by Jay Ward and Bill Scott, who created...
La Ciudad de las Estrellas, a tiny town in the South American jungle, is home to an understaffed, un...
Tarzan is a series that aired on NBC from 1966 – 1968. The series portrayed Tarzan as a well-educate...
Amazon was a syndicated television show created by Peter Benchley. It was developed by Canadian prod...
The Jungle Book is a 2010 3D CGI animated TV series. This series is based on the original book by R...
Judy and Peter Shepherd are two kids that found a board game called "Jumanji". With each turn, the t...
Ensign Shiro Amada is transferred to Southeast Asia to take command of the 08th MS Team. In their fi...
Mowgli's Brothers is a 1976 television animated special created by legendary animator Chuck Jones. I...
Through this series of reports and interviews, these animals will reveal a bit of their private live...
Vincent, a 20-year old geology student from Paris, goes to French Guyana to do an internship at a go...
Lucan is a TV Drama which aired on ABC from 1977 to 1978, starring Kevin Brophy, John Randolph, and ...