SP, also known as Security Police is a Japanese television drama based on the real life security police unit of Japan which is responsible for protecting domestic and foreign VIPs. The series script was written by famed GO author Kazuki Kaneshiro and marks his first time writing for a television drama. The drama centers on a newly recruited SP officer named Kaoru Inoue, who is the only SP officer known in the force to have sharp senses that enables him to conduct his duties by using this ESP sense to take down the threat before it appears to threaten the VIP and the civilians who are caught in the middle. The franchise consists of the TV series, two film adaptations of the series released in 2010 and 2011 with an ongoing manga adaptation.
Kawauchi Miyabi was once a promising neurosurgeon, but an accident caused damage to Miyabi's brain. ...
During the Kyoho period in the reign of Tokugawa Yoshimune, there is a gang of thieves active not ju...
Shun is a third generation descendant of a Japanese orphan left behind in China during World War II....
Six agriculture students travel north to Hokkaido for first-hand training and experience in a farm s...
Yapool, an ancient interdimensional race of beings tries to conquer the Planet Earth with his army o...
The TLT is a covert international anti-monster unit established secretly to combat Space Beasts, mys...
The 41st NHK Taiga Drama is Toshiie to Matsu. During the turbulent Warring States Era, one man's lif...
Fumi becomes Genzui Kusaka’s wife. During the turbulent times of the closing days for the Tokugawa s...
Follow the thrilling adventures of master thief Lupin the Third, quite possibly the world's greatest...
Fūrin Kazan was the 46th NHK Taiga drama beginning on January 7, 2007. It was aired throughout 2007....
Kotaro Mochizuki (Haruma Miura) is a timid, introspective teenager who attends a private high school...
Ryōmaden is the 49th NHK Taiga drama. It was shown on NHK from January 3 to November 28, 2010 spanni...
Kumiko and Kenichi meet in college and build a happy marriage together. But over time, an unusual pr...
Sakaki Makio, also known as "Tornado" is a tough 27-year-old high school drop-out. By academic stand...
MegaTokyo 2038: A.D. Police Officer Kenji Sasaki loses another partner to a rabid boomer. A day aft...
Spec saga "The Romance of Satori" is a 24 minute science fiction-comedy-adventure-action-suspense-ro...
They're comedians starring in a thrilling drama, but if their jokes don't land in the unscripted sce...
Marc, Louis and Gaétan work as doormen in a fictional nightclub called The Manhattan. The new owner ...
Living in an area known for its juvenile crime, 21-year-old Makoto has become a member of a youth ga...