Action in the Afternoon is an American western television series that aired live on CBS from February 2, 1953 to January 29, 1954. The series originated from the studios and back lot of WCAU-TV, Channel 10 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was broadcast Monday through Friday regardless of the weather. The half-hour series aired variously at 3:30 pm or 4:00 pm, throughout its run.
Houston Knights is an American crime drama set in Houston, Texas. The show ran on CBS from 1987 to 1...
Fievel's American Tails is an American/Canadian animated television series, produced by Steven Spiel...
The Secret Empire is an American horror television series that premiered on February 27, 1979 on NBC...
The story of Sara Yarnell, a schoolteacher who moves from Philadelphia to the Western frontier to st...
Trackdown is an American Western television series starring Robert Culp that aired on CBS between 19...
The High-Sierra adventures of Ben Cartwright and his sons as they run and defend their ranch while h...
F Troop is a satirical American television sitcom that originally aired for two seasons on ABC-TV. I...
Bordertown is a television western-drama series that aired from 1989 to 1991. It depicts the town fo...
Based on the life of Empress Myeongseong (1851 - 1895), the first official wife of King Gojong, the ...
This historical drama is about the life of the physician Lee Je Ma (1837-1900), who was the founder ...
The epic story of post-Civil War America, focusing on Cullen Bohannon, a Confederate soldier who set...
The story of the early days of Deadwood, South Dakota; woven around actual historic events with most...
Set during the 18th century Napoleonic Wars, Horatio Hornblower, a young and shy midshipman, rises t...
Temple Houston is a 1963–64 NBC television series which has been called "the first attempt . . . to ...
Some of literature's most terrifying characters, including Dr. Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, and iconic...
Set during the final days of slavery in 19th century Jamaica, we follow the trials, tribulations and...
Fermanagh, Irish countryside, 1885. On her 23rd birthday, Beth, who lives on a remote farm with Bill...
When Prussia and Austria declare war on Denmark, two brothers are called to serve in the bloodiest b...
The adventures of a Shaolin Monk as he wanders the American West armed only with his skill in Kung F...
Virginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione, is an unscrupulous and beautiful woman, in love with Andr...