Sushi Pack is an American-Canadian animated television series produced by DIC Entertainment and American Greetings, that aired on the KEWLopolis block on CBS November 3, 2007 - September 12, 2009. It featured a team of wasabi, salmon egg sushi, crab sushi, tuna sushi, and octopus sushi as they used their wits and their emotions to save the world and educated young children. The Sushi Pack team lives in a donut shop with their human friend, Ben. Despite the superhero element of the story, violence is used only as a last resort. The closing theme song of the show is a techno/rap/funk hybrid song written by Phofo, composer for the entire series. Sushi Pack was created by Studio Espinosa. Quests involve learning about the meaning of friendship, social skills, and teamwork.
Step inside a fantastic land of fun and imagination with Kammy Kam and her beloved friends! Through ...
Philippe Cousteau Jr., grandson of the legendary Jacques Cousteau, explores the most spectacular pla...
A game show based on the Carmen Sandiego computer game series created by Brøderbund Software.
With the help of his friend “The Man in the Yellow Hat,” a curious little monkey named George sets o...
Using his knowledge of today’s animal kingdom and the latest research, wildlife adventurer Nigel Mar...
The Batwheels are a team of sentient super-powered crimefighting vehicles that help Batman, Robin an...
Higa Nobuko was born and raised with her four siblings in a farmhouse in the "Yanbaru region" in the...
The mysterious, delicious world of CooKingdom, which rules over all the cuisine in this world. CooKi...
A young girl named Dora goes on adventures with her red boot-wearing monkey named Boots.
Haha and Byul, known as typical lovebirds, and their three children (Dream, Soul, and Song), who hav...
Aoi prefers indoor hobbies and is afraid of heights, but her childhood friend Hinata loves to show o...
Stanley is an animated television series that was aired on Disney Junior, based on the series of chi...
University student Wakamizu Ryota (Emoto Tokio), who is the middle of job hunting, gets caught up in...
Ten-year-old Vida, is an animal doctor who nurtures the charming and silly woodland creatures who li...
Centering around the lives of pre-teen Hispanic twins named Maya and Miguel Santos and their friends...
Award-winning technology and internet safety video series for families, schools and organizations to...
Australian host Steve Irwin and his wife Terri run a wildlife refuge. Their shared passion is educat...
Antiques Roadshow is a British television show in which antiques appraisers travel to various region...
A game show based on the Carmen Sandiego computer game series created by Brøderbund Software.