Scrabble is an American television game show that was based on the Scrabble board game. The show was co-produced by Exposure Unlimited and Reg Grundy Productions. It ran from July 2, 1984 to March 23, 1990, and again from January 18 to June 11, 1993, both runs on NBC. A total of 1,335 episodes were produced from both editions; Chuck Woolery hosted both versions of the series. Jay Stewart was the announcer for the first year and was replaced by Charlie Tuna in the summer of 1985, who announced for the remainder of the original version and the entirety of the 1993 revival.
Contestants play for the chance to win up to $100,000 by answering questions about things they learn...
America's favorite quiz show where contestants are presented with general knowledge clues in the for...
The Generation Game was a British game show produced by the BBC in which four teams of two competed ...
If your friends went through a mysterious door and got lost in an alternate universe, would you come...
“Prison Life of Fools” is a variety show where the cast members will divide themselves into differen...
A fast-paced quiz show in which four contestants who do not know each other join forces in a dramati...
The Million Second Quiz is an American television game show produced by All3Media America. It commen...
Danish version of the British “Taskmaster” panel show in which comedians, actors and musicians (the ...
Footage from the popular game show, Takeshi's Castle has been re-edited, re-written and re-voiced in...
The Match Game-Hollywood Squares Hour is an American television game show that combined two long-run...
Identity is a reality/game show, hosted by Penn Jillette and produced by Reveille where contestants ...
A Philippine musical game show touted as the "first community singing game show" where no one will b...
«Secret for a Million» is a game show for celebrities. Guest stars win money for disclosing personal...
GamesMaster was a British television show, screened on Channel 4 from 1992 to 1998, and was the firs...
The Mole is a reality television game show which was originally created in 1999 by Woestijnvis. It w...
The Better Sex is a television game show in the United States where men competed against women in a ...
An un-scripted comedy show in which four guest performers improvise their way through a series of ga...