Set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, The Freemaker Adventures centers on a family of three young siblings—young boy Rowan, his sister Kordi, and their brother Zander—known as the Freemakers, who salvage parts from destroyed or damaged ships which they use to build new ones, which they sell in order to make their living. They are accompanied by their salvaged battle droid Roger.
The entire Star Wars galaxy gets completely mixed up when an ordinary nerf-herder, Sig Greebling, un...
An adventure series that spans all Star Wars eras featuring LEGO versions of the fresh faces of the ...
Based on the LEGO Hero Factory toys, the show focuses on building heroes to protect the world from e...
Following their victory celebration in the Ewok village on Endor, seen at the close of Star Wars: Re...
Set in 2012, three years before the Jurassic World movie, Owen Grady and Claire Dearing team up on I...
Spider-Man and Marvel's Super Heroes take on a mischievous Loki and a team of super villains in an a...
Yoda begins by training Padawans at the Jedi Temple Academy, but then he feels a disturbance in the ...
The adventure takes place in the futuristic Kingdom of Knighton. It focuses on the Nexo Knights as t...
Two teenagers from different worlds use their newly discovered Ninja powers to defend dragons from v...
It's 2012, and Simon Masrani has an idea for a new attraction that is guaranteed to keep Jurassic Wo...
When the fate of their world, Ninjago, is challenged by great threats, it's up to the ninja: Kai, Ja...
Five best friends face adventures side by side in their hometown. Zany antics, love and missteps are...
A series of CGI animated shorts based on the LEGO Scooby-Doo! licensed products.
Centuries ago, the beloved Chinese Monkey King used his magical staff to capture and trap the evil D...
The Environmental Clean-up Conference is off to anything but a smooth start when Tony Stark realizes...
Lego Masters is a French reality television show based on the international franchise of the same na...
British version of the reality contest where some of the most skilled brick fanatics do battle to be...
Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf and Sven will be embarking on an epic journey to “restore the glimmer of ...
Teams of LEGO enthusiasts go head-to-head, with infinite possibilities and an unlimited supply of LE...