Shadow Warriors is a Japanese television jidaigeki show featuring Sonny Chiba that ran for four seasons in the early 1980s. Chiba played different ninja characters in each series. In the first series he played Hattori Hanzō III, in second one he played Tsuge Shinpachi, in the third one he played Tarao Hanzō, in the fourth series and in Bakumatsu Hen, he played Hattori Hanzō XV. In the 2003 direct-to-DVD series Shin Kage no Gundan he played Hattori Hanzō I.
Based on the novel by Jirō Asada, the TV movie depicts the lives of the Shinsengumi warriors during ...
The show revolves around a group of five ronin (masterless samurai) who make a living by transportin...
The Story is about three daughters of a "Hatamoto" during the end of the Edo period and the Meiji Re...
The chronicles of the life of Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159 - May 17th, 1189). He was a late Heian an...
Based on the life of Hideyoshi Toyotomi (February 2, 1537 – September 18, 1598) a Sengoku period dai...
"Ako Roshi" is a group of 47 former retainers of Lord Asano. Lord Asano was forced to commit suicide...
Based on the novel of the same name by Jiro Ikushima, this drama series aired on NET TV (now TV Asah...
During the Kyoho period in the reign of Tokugawa Yoshimune, there is a gang of thieves active not ju...
Everyone's favorite teenage mutants are back in live action to fight crime with help from a new ninj...
Osaka Castle was erected as a result of Hideyoshi Hashiba's (portrayed by Shindo Eitaro) solicitatio...
Gabimaru reigns as the strongest and most ruthless assassin in his village. But now finds himself on...
A wandering samurai, ronin, and ninja; meet by chance repeatedly and reluctantly team up to solve th...
The straightforward samurai of the hatamoto class, Saotome Mondonosuke, who has a crescent-shaped sc...
When a tragedy befalls their fellow students on graduation day, three pupils of the Hayate Way's Nin...
From the Taisho era to the Showa 30s, known as the father of popular literature who left many master...
Ginji (Teruhiko Aoi), together with Yasugoro, a bathhouse owner, Toshiro, a ronin, Kojiro, a samurai...
Set in Japan several centuries back. It depicts the struggles of three historical warriors, Dosan Sa...
Set at the end of the 12th century when several wars for control of Japan disrupted a long era of pe...